Promote your Cattle Stud Brand with an agency that truly understands Cattle production using single or multiple marketing techniques


Marketing of stud cattle operations has evolved and changed in Australia in recent years. Show attendance isn’t what is used to be and presenting cattle at shows has become both expensive and time consuming. Advertising in the paper remains effective, but is expensive. Likewise the mail out of bull sale catalogues is great but is also costly. Conversely social media and digital marketing is relative cheap to implement but can be difficult to manage effectively and derive a tangible business outcome for your stud.

Long story short, it’s incredibly tough for the stud cattle breeder to navigate the minefield of dealing with multiple companies for print, video, digital marketing, social media and graphic design. It takes too much of your time and often results in your brand becoming inconsistent or fragmented across your channels of communication.

Use end to end marketing to maximise your Stud Stock Sales

Whether you are seeking to attract new buyers to your stud stock operation, launch a new bull sale, sell at an additional sales location or attract more paddock buyers Stud Stock Marketing has all your bases covered. Our objective is to increase your sale clearance rates and average through effective marketing.

Depending on the size and scale of your stud stock operation Stud Stock Marketing will identify how operation is different to your competitors, who your target market is, how you will target that market and importantly how you will measure the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing efforts.

Stud Stock Marketing is uniquely positioned in the stud stock sector as not only can it create your marketing approach for you but at your request can implement it end-to-end. Stud Stock Marketing also understands that margins are tight in the beef production sector and for those clients who would like to take a hands-on approach to reduce cost our offering is flexible and adaptable.

Stud Stock Marketing is also unique as it has range of information technology and graphic design staff who can integrate all the information technology bits with existing and more conventional tried and tested cattle stud marketing efforts.

Price is determinant largely on scale but is always linked back to your return on investment (ROI). Contact one of our helpful staff who can identify your needs, price up some options and present it to you with absolutely no obligation.

Maximise the market exposure of your bulls for sale

Launching a stud sale is one of the most stressful and difficult activities the Stud Breeder will likely ever do. The time, effort and expense is significant and then there’s the cattle themselves. Starting with the creation of a marketing campaign (covered earlier) Stud Stock Marketing Services will work with you and your selling agent to develop and execute a channel strategy to maximise industry visibility of your sale.  Depending on your requirements all or some of our service offerings can be used to minimise time spent dealing with a multitude of different providers.

Want to market your existing sale more effectively- our staff are available to help with that too.

Market Research

Take some of the guesswork out of Cattle Stud Breeding and Promotion by using Market Research. Stud Stock Marketing Services can identify preferred locations for new stud sales, perform actions to identify target market demographics, gain insight into branding through the use of focus groups and undertake online or traditional market surveys.

Stud Stock Marketing Services has the ability to “incentivise” surveys to increase response rates. The delivery model leverages these same market research activities to promote your cattle stud brand as part of broader advertising and promotion. Maximum results- minimal cost.

Branding + Graphic Design

Successful branding of stud stock operations is important as it differentiates your stud stock operation from your competitors and adds professionalism to all of your marketing efforts. Despite the quality of the bulls and claims made by selling agents bulls don’t sell themselves and creating a recognisable, unique and easy to remember brand that can be applied to all of your marketing efforts is the foundation stone of marketing a stud stock operation.

When considering your brand the logo is critical as it should stand out on print, photos, video, banners, signs and on merchandise. Stud Stock marketing has tertiary educated, industry experienced staff who will work closely with you to create your brand from scratch by getting your creative juices flowing. If you already have a great idea or concept our expert graphic designers will put it in a format that’s professional, stamped on all your necessary marketing materials and make you stand out from the crowd.

Unhappy with some or all of your existing branding or can’t get your logo on photos or videos? Contact Stud Stock Marketing for a no obligation quote.

Website design + development

Confused about websites-worried about their cost but know that its time to evolve and get one? Perhaps you have a website that was built “on the cheap”, which now looks bad, has been hacked, can’t integrate with social media or dealing with the provider is a nightmare or you think your current provider is just confusing you with geek speak and is ripping you off.

 Stud Stock Marketing’s Vision is to become the Australian leader in website design, build and hosting for the Livestock Industry.

Unlike other website companies Stud Stock Marketing has identified and created a website design, build and operate model specifically for the livestock sector. This enables us to provide a high-quality product, developed and hosted in Australia, with staff who are friendly and accessible yet who also understand the business model for the stud stock producer- all at a fair price.

Our size and scale means that Stud Stock Marketing has highly experienced, tertiary qualified experts in web design and hosting, application development (yes we also design and build apps), graphic design and have the means in house to easily and rapidly integrate digital media with traditional marketing efforts. Our web designers and developers don’t build websites as a hobby or a business on the side- this is their chosen field and they’re experts in it.

Our standard website design, build and host package is suitable for 80% of stud stock producers and is priced around the budget of a cheap commercial bull. Included in the price is one years running costs.

Additional upgrades are available as are full customised solutions for the discerning client. Contact our helpful staff to inquire about a new website or upgrading your existing website- there are no “dumb questions” and no obligations.

digital marketing

Cattle for sale + Bulls for Sale

Digital marketing and social media (i.e. Facebook) provides the cattle stud operation the opportunity to quickly and cheaply obtain massive market reach and create great exposure for your brand. Unfortunately when done incorrectly or inappropriately digital marketing can damage your brand just as quickly and set your marketing efforts back months if not years. If you’re looking to sell quality bulls at a good price but your digital photos, posts and videos look slapped together, say something to upset buyers or are presented poorly your sale prices and clearance rates will suffer.

Stud Stock Marketing can guide you in how to use digital marketing effectively, make your posts, photos, articles and videos professional and do it all quickly and at a low cost. Not using Facebook analytics- you should be it’s free. Contact Stud Stock marketing to inquire about a yearly digital marketing service or for ad hoc post and distribution.


The astute buyers know that you can’t make a purchasing decision on one or two photos of bull. A visible inspection provides the opportunity to check temperament, feet, step and many other attributes considered by the commercial cattle producer. Video is a great way to close this gap, is more interesting to the viewer than photos alone and is prioritised much higher on search engines such as Google.

At the same time there are number of attributes including length of video, resolution and method of hosting that are also necessary to give videos presence in the digital realm. On the customer side, videos need to be professional, eye catching and interesting as- after all- we have all had our share of television commercials and digital advertising that we just skip.

Stud Stock Marketing works with its clients and partners to create professional, internet ready videos to market stud cattle and build your industry presence. To keep your costs low our model operates in a way where you provide the raw footage and a storyboard and we do the rest. Want someone else to provide the raw footage- we can arrange that for you!

Our experienced staff realise that there are many avenues available to the stud cattle producer to sell and promote stud cattle. These channels include sales agents, online selling platforms, bull sales, print, word of mouth, referrals and many more. Video promotion is a great way to leverage all these channels and is a sound marketing investment- after all the bulls need to be displayed and referenced.

Play Video

Google Adwords

The use of paid “google ad words”, sponsored (or paid) social media posts and other techniques are another way to increase brand exposure and create leads for the Cattle Stud Operation. In a first for the Cattle Stud Industry, Stud Stock Marketing Services also has a “Social Influencer” product offering designed and tested to rapidly acquire more Facebook followers.

It’s time to supercharge your Stud’s brand

Increase your clearance rates and sales average by reaching more buyers

What is a Marketing Strategy?

A marketing strategy rarely changes. It identifies your stud stock breeding operations value proposition (i.e. will it compete on price, differentiation, focus or a combination). This includes identifying the key objectives of your breeding program, your desired price per animal and the “key headliners” that communicated in all of your marketing efforts. The marketing strategy also identifies your Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Markets and the demographics of those markets. Ultimately the “strategy component” includes a number of strategies that align marketing with your desired growth and sale price projections over a long term horizon- typically ten years.

What is a Marketing Plan?

A Marketing Plan is a pretty straight forward document that can be created independently, underneath a marketing strategy or above a marketing campaign. The marketing plan considers your marketing and advertising goals, an assessment of your current market position (including how you are going to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be in the future), how you will measure marketing return on investment and lastly how to measure and maintain customer satisfaction. Ultimately the marketing plan should describe how you will get existing bull buyers to buy more and how you will attract new buyers to try out your genetics. Successful achievement of both will put upwards pressure on price and more margin in your pocket.

A marketing plan will define what time of year sales should occur in different geographical locations (dependant on environment and seasonal factors) and key techniques in marketing your stud enterprise at those locations. A well informed marketing plan will also include demand-side triggers (i.e. drought, changing, government policy, export demand) and how the marketing mix will change to meet these challenges to maintain sales volumes and averages.

Some of the more common components in a stud stock marketing plan include setting targets for digital market reach (i.e. Increasing Website interactions from 120 per year to 240 per year or Facebook followers from 300 to 2000) and increasing the size and flexibility in your bull buyers database. 

What is a Marketing Campaign?

When created a marketing campaign is a schedule of actions, key timeframes, costs, effort and performance indicators. After creation and use for the first time the plan will be adjusted and refined year on year until its locked in and working. The marketing campaign includes all marketing channels that you may use including print, digital, TV commercials, show participation, sale participation, sponsorship and whatever else. Importantly the plan will assess the return on investment of each initiative- after all why spend money on something if it doesn’t work.